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Family: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Bellflower Family (Wf)
campana, = a bell;
-ulus, = diminutive.
(ld, BL)
Hemp (LS)
kannabis, = hemp. (derived from a Semitic word).
cannabis, = hemp.
(LS, Int)
Carnation Family (Wf)
caryon, = the nut;
phyllon, = a leaf.
caryophyllon, = the clove-pink.
(LS, Ox)
casuarius, = cassowary, from the fancied resemblanceof the branches to the feathers of the bird.
A genus of curious trees, with jointed leafless branches, having the appearance of gigantic horse-tails.
Spike Thorn or Pendoring Family (Le)
celeo = to charm, bewitch, fascinate, beguile;
-astrum, = indicates inferiority or incomplete resemblance, hence often applied to wild equivalent of a cultivated plant.
kelastros = the name of a Mediterranean evergreen tree.
Celastraceae (the staff-vine family)
kelastros, = holly.
(LS, BL, I1, Le)
White Stinkwood Family (Le)
celsus, = raised high, extending upward, high, lofty; elevated above that which is common, great;
(high, lofty)
-idus, = indicates a state or an action in progress.
celtis, = an African species of lotus.
(ld, BL)
Ganna or Goosefoot Family (Le)
chēn, = a gander, goose;
pous, podos, = a foot;
-ium, characeteristic of.
(shape of the leaves)
(LS, BL)
Gloriosa Family (Wf)
Colchis, = a province in Asia, east of the Black Sea, celebrated on account of the golden fleece and Medea;
-icus, = indicates ‘belonging to’.
colchicon, = meadow-saffron.
colchicum, = a plant with a poisonous root, C. auctumnale.
The name Colchis had reference to the poisonous arts of the legendary Medea** of Colchis.
(Ox, BL, ld)
A Family of Lichens ()
collis, = high ground, a hill; a chain of mountains;
collare, = a band or chain for the neck; a collar;
mater, = a mother; a producing cause, origin, source.
mattus, matus, = drunk, intoxicated.
Spiderwort Family (Le)
For Jan or Johan Commelin (1629-1692), his nephew Caspar Commelin (1667/1668-1731), and possibly his son Caspar as well.**
convallis, convallia, = a valley enclosed on all sides;
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
(ld, BL)
Morning Glory Family (Le)
convolvo, = to roll together, roll up, roll round; to fasten together, interweave, interlace;
-ulus, = diminutive.
convolvulus, = a plant, bind-weed.
(rolled up)
(ld, BL)
Assegai Wood Family (Le)
cornu, = a hard and generally crooked growth upon the head of many mammiferous animals.
Crassula Family (Wf)
crassus, = solid, thick, dense, fat, gross, etc.;
-ula, = diminutive.
(fleshy leaves)
(ld, BL, Le)
Gourd and Pumpkin Family (Le)
cucurbita, = a gourd.
Rooiels Family (Le)
For Johann Christian Cuno (1708-1780).**
Cypress Family (Le)
cupressus, cypressus, = the cypress an evergreen tree sacred to Pluto and used at funerals.
Fern Family (Le)
κυαθος, cyathus, = a small ladle for transferring the wine from the mixing-bowl to the drinking-cup.
(ladle, cup)
-eus, = indicates material or colour or resemblance in quality.
(referring to the shape of sori – the spore-bearing sacs on the surface of the fern leaf)
(ld, BL, Le, K3)
Sedge Family (Le)
kupeiron, kupeiros, = a marsh-plant.
(a rush or sedge)
(LS, Le)
A Family of Parasitic Flowering Plants ()
kytos, = the body, the skin;
-inus, = iindicates material or colour, resemblance or possession.
cutin, cutos, = the hyaline substance which forms the cuticle or cellular layers of plants;
kytinos, = flower of the pomegranate.
(resemblance of the flowers)
(LS, BL, Le)