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Family: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Hornworts (Int)
palla, = a long and wide upper garment of the Roman ladies, held together by brooches, a robe, mantle;
vicinus, = near, neighbouring, in the neighbourhood or vicinity; a neighbour.
Lichen ()
pannus, = a cloth, a garment, a rag, tatters; perhaps a rag-like substance that grows on the tree aegilops, besides its acorns;
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
pannarius, = of or pertaining to cloth.
(ld, BL)
Poppy Family (Le)
papaver, = the poppy.
Candleflower Family (Wf)
For Pierre Pena (c. 1520/1535-1600/1605).**
phyllon, = a leaf.
anthos, = a flower, the bloom of a flower.
Lichen -(family of mostly lichen-forming fungi) (Wi)
physa, = a pair of bellows, bellows.
(bellows, blader)

(LS, BL)
Inkberry Family (Le)
phyton, = a plant, tree;
lac, = milk; milky juice, milk of plants.
lacca, = an unknown plant.
lak, = crimson.
(the juice of the fruit is crimson red)
(laksha, = lacca, gum-lac, is the dark-red resinous incrustation produced on certain trees by the puncture of an insect insect (Caccus lacca); used in the East as a scarlet dye).
(LS, ld, Ox, Le)
Pine Family (Le)
pinus, = a pine, pine-tree; a fir, fir-tree;
(probably from picnus, = pitch)
(ld, Le)
Pepper Family (Le)
peperi, = pepper.
Plantain Family (Le)
planta, = a sole, sole of the foot.
plantago, = plantain.
(in reference to the broad prostrate leaves)
(ld, Ox)
Plumbago Family (Wf)
plumbum, = lead;
-ago, = indicates resemblance or connection, ‘kind of’’.
plumbago, = a species of lead ore, black-lead, plumbago, also called molybdaena;
(a species of lead-ore, also a plant, leadwort, so called from the colour of the flowers)
(ld, BL, Ox)
Grass Family (Le)
poa, = grass.
Yellowwod Family (Le)
pous, podos, = a foot;
carpos, = fruit.
Butterfly Bush Family (Wf)
polys, polle, poly, = (of number), many; (of size), heavy; (of value), much;
gala, = milk.
(some European species supposedly increase the milk production of cows)
(LS, K3)
Rhubarb Family (Le)
polys, polle, poly, = (of number), many; (of size), heavy; (of value), much;
gony, = the knee
(knee, node (of grass), angled, angular)
(many-jointed stem)
(LS, BL, K3)
Fern Family (Le)
polys, polle, poly, = (of number), many; (of size), heavy; (of value), much;
pous, podos, = a foot.
Moss ()
polys, polle, poly, = (of number), many; (of size), heavy; (of value), much;
thrix, = hair, wool, beard.
trich-, tricho-, = hairy or hair-like;
-ium, = diminutive.
(LS, BL)
Pickerel-weed Family (Int)
For Giulio (Julius) Pontedera (1688-1757)**.
Portulaca or Purslane Family (Le)
porta, = a gate, entrance, passage, outlet, door of any kind;
-ulus, = diminutive.
portula, = a small door or gate;
-acea, = indicates resemblance.
portulaca, = purslain.
(capsule opens like a gate)
(ld, BL, Le)
Moss ()
For Johann Friedrich Pott (1738–1805).**
Primrose Family (Le)
primus, = the first, first (properly only when three or more are referred to); first in rank or station, chief, principal, most excellent, eminent, distinguished, noble;
-ula, = diminutive.
primulus, = the first (ante-class); primulum, = at first, first (ante-class).
(originally in the name primula veris, ‘little firstling of spring’, applied by 12th century to the cowslip)
(ld, BL, Ox)
Palmiet Family (Le)
prion, = a saw;
-ium, = ‘characteristic of’, hence indicates connection or resemblance.
(margins of leaf blades)
(LS, BL, Le)
Protea Family (Wf)
protos (pl proteiea), = first, foremost, front (of number or place).
(The name Protea was given by Linneaus in 1735. Some plants were sent to him from the Cape and he was evidently so impressed (or confused) by what he saw that he resorted to the name of the Greek God, Proteus.**)
(LS, Mv)
Fern Family (Le)
pteron, = a feather, wings;
pteris, = fern;
-idium, = diminutive.
(fronds resemble a bird’s wing)
(LS, Ro, BL, Le)
Ferns ()
pteron, = a feather, wings;
pteris, = fern;
odon, ontos, odons, = a tooth;
-odontus, = toothed.
(LS, Ro, BL)
ptyche, ptyks, = anything in folds, a fold, leaf, layer, plate, wrinkles;
(referring to folds, pleats, clefts or deep grooves)
mitra, = a girdle; headband; mitre, turban;
-ium, = ‘characteristic of’, hence indicates connection or resemblance.
(LS, BL)