Genera within a family

Family: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Rhubarb Family (Le)
polys, polle, poly, = (of number), many; (of size), heavy; (of value), much;
gony, = the knee
(knee, node (of grass), angled, angular)
(many-jointed stem)
(LS, BL, K3)
Duiweltjie, Devil's Thorn (Le)
Origin uncertain, possibly derived from Rumex, a name used for culinary Sorrel, Dock, used by Pliny.
persicus, persicum, = a peach-tree; a peach;
-arius, = indicates connection or possession.
(allusion not clear)

(ld, BL, Le)
Knotgrass (Le)
polys, polle, poly, = (of number), many; (of size), heavy; (of value), much;
gony, = the knee.
(knee, node (of grass), angled, angular)
(many-jointed stem)
(LS, BL, Le)
Sorrel, Dock (Le)
rumex, = sorrel.
(Latin name for culinary sorrel, used by Pliny)
(Ws, Le)