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A Fern Family (Le)
denn, = woodland pasture; possibly denoting ‘habitation of a wild beast’, ‘forest, haunt of wild beasts’;
taeda, = a resinous species of pine-tree, the pitch-pine tree (Pinus combra).
(Ox, ld)
Moss ()
di-, = two;
dis, = twice, double;
cranion, = the upper part of the head, skull.
dicranos, = two-headed, two-pointed, a pitchfork.
Scabious Family (Wf)
di-, = two;
dis, = twice, double;
psecas, = to rain in small drops, drizzle, drip; it drizzles;
psecas, = a female slave who perfumed her mistress’s hair.
Psecas, = th name of an attendant of Diana.
(Ox, LS, ld)
Moss ()
di-, two;
dis, = twice, double;
thrix, tricos, = the hair both of man and beast; sheep’s wool.

Sundew Family (Wf)
drosos, = dew;
droseros, = dewy, watery.
(glistening leaf-glands)
(LS, Le)
Fern Family (Le)
Dryades, Dryas**, = wood-nymphs, dryads.
drys,= the oak, sacred to Zeus; any timber tree;
pteron, = a feather, wings.
(ld, LS, BL)