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For Erik Acharius (1757-1819), Swedish botanist who pioneered the taxonomy of lichens and is known as the "father of lichenology". He was one of the last students of Linnaeus and continued the work that Linnaeus began.
apis, = a bee.
apium, = parsley, esp. liked by bees; an umbilliferous plant of several species (mountain-parsley, celery etc.). the leaves of one species (water parsley, our celery, the Apium graveolens) were used by the ancients for garlands, on account of their strong fragrance.
apium, = parsley, esp. liked by bees; an umbilliferous plant of several species (mountain-parsley, celery etc.). the leaves of one species (water parsley, our celery, the Apium graveolens) were used by the ancients for garlands, on account of their strong fragrance.
Latinization of the French-Canadian name Aralie for the Ivy Family.
ασϕοδελ, = (of unknown origin); asphodel. The earlier form, an adaptation of medieval Latin, was affodillus, whence daffodil. The White Asphodel or King’s Spear covers large tracts of land in Apulia, in southern Italy, where its leaves afford good nourhisment to sheep. From the genus the order has sometimes been called Aphodeliæ.
astēr, = a star, any luminous body, meteor.