Genera within a family

Family: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Bellflower Family (Wf)
campana, = a bell;
-ulus, = diminutive.
(ld, BL)
For Marie Philippe Mercier (1781-1831).**
Cluster Bell (Wf)
mikros, = little, small; petty, mean, trivial insignificant;
codon, = a bell.
(flower shape)
(LS, Le)
Prismbell (Wf)
prisis, = a sawing;
prismaticus, = having several longitudinal angles and intermediate flat surfaces;
prisma,= prism;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness;
carpos, = fruit.
(prism-shaped; having several longitudinal angles and intermediate flat surfaces)
(slender ovary becomes greatly elongated)
(LS, BL, Ox, Le)
Cape Bellflower (Le) Roella (Wf)
For Willem (Wilhelm) Roell (18th c.).**
siphon, = a reed, straw, any tube;
(tube, pipe)
codon, = a bell.
(shape of corolla tube)
(LS, BL, Le)
For Alexander Johann August Treichel (1837-1901).**
African Bluebell, Blouklokkie (Le) Harebell (Wf)
For George Göran Wahlenberg of Uppsala (1780-1851).**