Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Prismbell (Wf)
prisis, = a sawing;
prismaticus, = having several longitudinal angles and intermediate flat surfaces;
prisma,= prism;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness;
carpos, = fruit.
(prism-shaped; having several longitudinal angles and intermediate flat surfaces)
(slender ovary becomes greatly elongated)
(LS, BL, Ox, Le)
Prismatocarpus brevilobus (La)

Location: (F, P)
brevis, = short, little, of small extent; small, narrow; low; brief;
lobos, = the lobe or lower part of the ear.
(capsule or pod)
(ld, BL)
Prismatocarpus cordifolius (La)

Location: (K)
cor, cordis, = the heart;
folium, = a leaf.
(heart-shaped leaf)
(ld, BL)
Prismatocarpus diffusus (La)
Klokkiesblom (PS)
Location: (K)
dif-¸dis-, = asunder, in pieces, apart, in two, in different directions;
fundo, fusus, = to spread, extend, diffuse; spread out, extended, broad, large, copious, diffuse.
diffusus, = spread abroad, spread out, extended, wide.
(diffuse, loosely irregular or widely spreading, with branches diverging from the axis at an angle of 45° to 90°)
(ld, BL)
Prismatocarpus nitidus var. nitidus (La)

Location: (K)
niteo, = to shine, look bright, glitter glisten; of plants, to look flourishing, thriving, to thrive;
-idus, = indicates a state or action in progress (‘-ish’).
nitidus, = shining, glittering, bright, polished, clear; of plants, blooming, fertile, luxuriant.
(shining; having a smooth, even polished surface; as many leaves)
(ld, BL)
Prismatocarpus schlechteri

Location: (F, P)
For Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1872-1925).**
Prismatocarpus sessilis var. sessilis (La)

Location: (F, K)
sedeo, sedi, sessum, = to sit;
-ilis, = indicates capacity or ability. Hence a property or quality.
sessilis, = of or belonging to sitting, fit for sitting upon.
(sessile, stalkless, or apparently so, sitting close upon the body that supports it)
(ld, BL)
Prismatocarpus tenerrimus (La)

Location: (F)
tener, = soft, delicate, slender;
-imus, = (adjectival superlative), very.
(very slender, very delicate)
(ld, BL)