Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
orthos, = straight; (in height), upright, standing erect; (in line), a straght line;
cheilos¸= a lip.
Orthochilus aculeatus subsp. aculeatus [Was Eulophia aculeatus subsp. ac...] (La)
Aandblommetjie (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
acus, = a needle or pin; as being pointed;
-ulus, = diminutive;
aculeus, = a sting; of plants, a spine or prickle;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
aculeatus, = furnished with stings or prickles, thorny, prickly.
(prickly, spine-like)
(the lip is aculeate, the prickles referred to being the slender papillae on the centre of the midlobe)
(ld, BL, Co)
Orthochilus litoralis (La)

Location: (K)
litus, = the sea-shore, sea-side, beach, strand;
(the sea-shore, beach, bank)
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
litoralis, = of or belonging to the sea-shore.
(pertaining to the sea-shore)
(refers to the coastal distribution)
(ld, BL, Co)
Orthochilus tabularis (La)
Yellow Orchid (Vo)
Location: (F)
tabula, = a board, plank;
-aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
tabularis, = flattened horizontally, plate like, (in geographical epithets) growing on Table Mountain, South Africa.
(belonging to Table Mouintain, where the type plant was collected by Thunberg)
(ld, BL, Co)