Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Satyr Orchid, Trewwa (Wf)
satyros, = satyr;
saturus, = satyr;
satyrion, = Greek name for an orchid with aphrodisiac properties
-ium, = means 'characteristic of', hence indicates connexion or resemblance.
(probably alludes to the two floral spurs, a unique feature of the genus)
(Ox, Co, BL)
Satyrium bicallosum (La)

Location: (F, K, P)
bis, bi-, = twice, twofold, having two-;
callum, = the hard skin or the hard flesh of plants;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
callosus, = with a hard skin, hard-skinned, thick-skinned, callous.
(callused (hard and thick in texture) – Thunberg refers to the two short spurs as the two calluses upon which the name is based)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium bicorne (La)
Goue-trewwa, Ouma-trewwa (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
bis, bi-, = twice, twofold, having two-;
cornu, = a hard and generally crooked growth upon the head of many mammiferous animals.
bicornis, = having two horns, two-horned.
(refers to the typical twin floral spurs found in this genus)
(ld, Co)
Satyrium bracteatum (La)

Location: (F, K, P)
bractea, brattea, = a thin plate of metal, gold-leaf; thin layers of wood, veneers;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
bracteatus, = covered with gold-plate, gilt; shining only externally, gilded, delusive.
(having bracts)
(refers to the conspicuous bracts of this species)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium candidum (La)
Ruiktrewwa, Wittrewwa (PS)
Location: (F)
candeo, = to be brilliant, glittering, to shine, glitter, glisten;
-idus, = indicates a state or an action in progress.
candidus, = of a shining, dazzling white, white, clear, bright.
(refers to the colour of the flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium carneum (La)
Waxy Satyr Orchid (Wf) Rooi Trewwa, Rooikappie (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
caro, carnis, = flesh;
-eus, = indicates material or colour or resemblance in quality.
carneus, = of flesh.
(refers to the pink colour of the flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium coriifolium (La)
Ewwa-trewwa (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
corium, = skin, hide, leather;
(skin, rind or covering)
folium, = a leaf.
(refers to the hard leathery leaves)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium foliosum (La)

Location: (K)
folium, = a leaf;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(leafy - refers to the prominent cauline leaves and bracts)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium hallackii subsp. hallackii

Location: (K)
For Russell Hallack (1824-1903).**
Satyrium humile (La)
Long-spurred Satyr Orchid (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
humus, humi, = the earth, the ground, the soil; on the ground;
-ilis, = indicates capacity or ability. Hence a property or quality.
humilis, humile, = on the ground, i.e. low, lowly, small, slight; that which is humble, or base, a low station.
(low-growing – refers to the leaves, which are usually closely adpressed to the ground)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium ligulatum (La)
Dog-faced Satyr Orchid (Wf)
Location: (F, K)
lingua, = the tongue;
-ula, = diminutive;
ligula, lingula, = a little tongue, the tongue of a shoe, a shoe trap, shoe-latchet; a spoon or ladle;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
lingulatus, = tongue-shaped, lingulate.
(strap-shaped – probably refers to the shape of the bracts or dried elongated tips of the lip)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium liltvedianum (La)

Location: (K)
For Bill Liltved, co-author of The Cape Orchids - A regional monograph of the orchids of the Cape Floristic Region;
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
Satyrium lupulinium (La)

Location: (F, K, P)
lupus, = a woolf;
-ulus, = diminutive;
lupula, = a little she-wolf; a witch, a hag;
lupulus, = the hop, a plant Humulus lupulus;
-inus, =iindicates possession or resemblance.
(resembling a bunch of hops)
(ld, BL, Ox)
Satyrium odorum (La)
Green Satyr Orchid (Wf) Ruiktrewwa, Soet Trewwa (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
odor, = a smell, scent, odour; particularly a pleasant odour, perfume;
(smell of any kind, odour, perfume, stench, fragrance)
-orum, = of (genitive plural).
odorus, = emitting a scent or odor, odorous; sweet-smelling, fragrant.
(refers to the distinctive sweet scent of this orchid)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium pygmaeum (G)

Location: (K)
pygmaios, = about a foot long or tall; the Pigmies, a fabulous race of dwarfs on the upper Nile, said to have been attacked and destroyed by Cranes.
(pygmy, dwarf)
(dwarfed - probably refers to the very small size of the plant)
(LS, BL, Co)
Satyrium retusum (La)
Ewwa-trewwa (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
retundo, retusus, = to beat or pound back any thing sharp; blunted, blunt, dull.
(retuse, terminating in a broad or rounded end with a depression in the centre)
(with rounded shallow notched end)
(refers to the blunt lip apex)
(ld, BL, Co)
Satyrium rhynchanthum (G)

Location: (F, K)
rugchos, = a snout, muzzle; a beak, bill;
rhyncos, = snout, muzzle, beak;
rhynch-, rhyncho-, = provided with a snout or beak, i.e. a projecting appendage;
anthos, = a flower, the bloom of a flower.
(beaked flower – refers to the elongate, acute tip of the lip)
(LS, BL, Co)
Satyrium stenopetalum subsp. brevicalcaratum (G, La)

Location: (F, K, P)
stēnos, = narrow, straight;
petalos, = spread out, unfolded, broad, flat.
petalon, = a leaf.
(in modern botany, petal)
(refers to the narrow petals)

brevis, = short, little, of small extent; small, narrow; low; brief;
calcar, = a spur;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(spurred, thus short-spurred; hollow nectar-producing appendage of calyx or corolla)
(spurred, thus short-spurred)

(ld, BL, Co)