Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Red Everlasting, Rooisewejaartjie (Le)
phaino, =to bring to light, make to appear: to shew, to make clear or known, hence to lay bare, uncover, disclose;
come, = the hair; the foliage, leaves of trees.
coma, = the hair of the head.
(tuft of hair)
phaino, = to shine;
come, = the hair; the foliage, leaves of trees.
coma, = tuft of hair.
(slight misnomer as the shiny bracts are not hairy, and the tomentose outer bracts and stem are not shiny)
[however, note that the new stems are in fact silvery-white and shiny and there are clearly terminal bristles on all the involucral bracts]
(LS, Ws, BL, Le, ga)
Phaenocoma prolifera (La)
Cape Everlasting, Rooisewejaartjie (PS) Red Everlasting (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
proles, = that which grows forth, offspring, progeny;
fero, ferre, = to bear, carry, bring.
(producing leaf-, or flower-buds from a leaf or flower, or other part which is normally terminal; also producing new individuals from buds, as distinguished from reproduction by means of seeds)
(ld, Ox)