Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Noughts-and Crosses (Le)
For Pierre Pena (1535-1605).**
Penaea cneorum subsp. cneorum (G, La)
Stream Penaea (Vo)
Location: (K)
cnekos, = a plant of the thistle kind;
cnekos, = pale yellow, whitish yellow;
cneoron, = a plant also called thymelaea mezereon;
cnida, = a sea-nettle;
-orum, = of. (genitive plural)
(LS, ld, BL)
Penaea cneorum subsp. ruscifolia (G, La)
Stream Penaea (Vo)
Location: (F)
cnekos, = a plant of the thistle kind;
cnekos, = pale yellow, whitish yellow;
cneoron, = a plant also called thymelaea mezereon;
cnida, = a sea-nettle;
-orum, = of. (genitive plural)

ruscum, rustum, = a butcher’s broom;
folium, = a leaf.
(the leaves are like those of the genus RUSCUS)
(LS, Ox, BL, ld, K3)
Penaea mucronata (La)
Mountain Penaea (Vo) Noughts-and-crosses (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
mucro, = a sharp point or edge;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
mucronatus, = pointed.
(mucronate; abruptly terminated by a hard sharp point)
(ld, BL, Ox)