Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Cinderella Orchid (K3)
acros, = at the end, either outermost, or at the top;
acros, = at the tip, end, summit;
lophos, = crest, tuft of hair; a cock’s comb.
(The author Pfitzer contrived this name to describe a Eulophia-like plant, which flowers from the summit of the stem, not basally, as in the genus Eulophia)

(LS, BL, Co)
Acrolophia bolusii

Location: (F)
Either for
(1) Harry Bolus (1834-1911)**; or
(2) Hermann Harry Bolus (1862-1930)**, son of Harry Bolus. Most taxa honor Bolus Sr.; or
(3) Alfred Bolus (1871-1952)**, nephew of Harry Bolus
Acrolophia capensis (La)

Location: (K)
cape, = Cape of Good Hope;
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(thus of the Cape Region)
(BL, Co)
Acrolophia lamellata (La)
Brown Orchid (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
lamina, = a thin piece of metal, wood, marble; a plate, leaf,layer;
(thin plate of tissue, gill)
-ellus, = diminutive;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(thus with thin plates of tissue – refers probably to crests on the lip)
(ld, BL, Co)
Acrolophia micrantha (G)

Location: (F, K)
mikros, = little, small; petty, mean, trivial insignificant;
anthos, = a flower, the bloom of a flower.
(refers to the small flowers)
(LS, BL, Co)
Acrolophia ustulata (La)
Black Orchid (PS)
Location: (F)
uro, ussi, ustum, = to singe, to burn;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(burnt; scorched, brown – refers to its charcoal-black flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)