Species within a genus
For Mathias de L'Obel (1538-1616).**
linea, linia, = a linen thread, a string, line;
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
linearis, = of or belonging to lines, consisting of lines, linear.
(narrow, short, with the two opposite margins parallel)
penna, pinna, = a feather; a wing;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
pennatus, pinnatus, = winged.
(feathered, winged)
(ld, BL)
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
linearis, = of or belonging to lines, consisting of lines, linear.
(narrow, short, with the two opposite margins parallel)
penna, pinna, = a feather; a wing;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
pennatus, pinnatus, = winged.
(feathered, winged)
(ld, BL)
tomentum, = a stuffing for cushions (e.g. of wool, hair, feathers, straw, etc.)
(tomentose, matted woolly down on stems and leaves)
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(tomentose; thickly and evenly covered with short more or less appressed curled or curved matted hairs)
(ld, BL)
(tomentose, matted woolly down on stems and leaves)
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(tomentose; thickly and evenly covered with short more or less appressed curled or curved matted hairs)
(ld, BL)