Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Lobelia (Wf)
For Mathias de L'Obel (1538-1616).**
Lobelia anceps (La)
Winged Lobelia (Wf)
Location: (F, K)
anceps, = of an object whose qualities have significance in two respects, double, that extends on two opposite sides; e.g. two-headed, two-edged.

(ld, BL)
Lobelia capillifolia (La)

Location: (K)
capillus, = the hair, the hair of the head; (while crinis is any hair);
(hair, hair’s width, 0.18mm.)
folium, = a leaf.
(ld, BL)
Lobelia chamaepitys var. chamaepitys (G)
Fine-stalked Lobelia (Vo)
Location: (F, K, P)
chamae-, = on the earth, on the ground;
(on the ground, lowly, creeping)
pitys, = the pinetree.
(LS, BL)
Lobelia chamaepitys X coronopifolia (G, La)

Location: (F)
chamae-, = on the earth, on the ground;
(on the ground, lowly, creeping)
pitys, = the pinetree.

coronos, = a crow or raven;
pous, podos, = a foot.
coronopus, = crow-foot; Plantago coronopus, buckshorn-plantain.
folium, = a leaf.
(shape of the leaf)
(LS, BL, ld)
Lobelia comosa var. comosa (G, La)
Cluster Lobelia (Wf)
Location: (F, K)
come, = the hair; the foliage, leaves of trees.
coma, = the hair of the head.
(tuft of hair)
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(LS, ld, BL)
Lobelia coronopifolia (G, La)
Summer Swallows (Vo) Itshilizi, Ubulawu, Wild Lobelia (Wf)
Location: (F, K)
coronos, = a crow or raven;
pous, podos, = a foot.
coronopus, = crow-foot; Plantago coronopus, buckshorn-plantain.
folium, = a leaf.
(shape of the leaf)
(LS, ld, Le)
Lobelia erinus (G)
Garden Lobelia, Wild Lobelia (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
erion, eirion, = wool; cotton;
erineos, = of wool, woollen;
-inus, = indicating material or colour, hence possession or resemblance.
(LS, BL)
Lobelia humifusa

Location: (K)
Now Unigenes humifusa
Lobelia jasionoides var. jasionoides (G, La)
Bushy Lobelia (Vo)
Location: (F, K, P)
Iasiōn, Iasis = of or belonging to the famous Greek hero, Jason;**
-oides, = like, resembling, having the form or nature of.
(ld, BL)
Lobelia laurentioides (La)
Beacon Head, Minute Lobelia (Vo)
Location: (F)
The genus LAURENTIA [now Wimmerella] for
(1) Marco Antonio Laurenti,** 17th century Italian physician and botanist, or
(2) Jean Laurent,** French botanist.
-oides, = like, resembling, having the form or nature of.

(Ch, BL)
Lobelia linearis (La)

Location: (F, K)
linea, linia, = a linen thread, a string, line;
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
linearis, = of or belonging to lines, consisting of lines, linear.
(narrow, short, with the two opposite margins parallel)
(ld, BL)
Lobelia linearis cf. var.pinnata [Now L. liniaris] (La)

Location: (F)
linea, linia, = a linen thread, a string, line;
-alis, -aris, = belonging or pertaining to, resembling, provided with.
linearis, = of or belonging to lines, consisting of lines, linear.
(narrow, short, with the two opposite margins parallel)
penna, pinna, = a feather; a wing;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
pennatus, pinnatus, = winged.
(feathered, winged)
(ld, BL)
Lobelia pinifolia (La)
Wild Lobelia (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
pinus, = a pine, pine-tree ; a fir, fir-tree;
folium, = a leaf.
Lobelia pubescens var pubescens (La)
Hairy Lobelia (Vo) Rock Lobelia (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
pubes, = the signs of manhood, the hair which appears on the body at the age of puberty;
-escens, = indicates process of becoming, hence not fully achieved resemblance, often expressed by the termination ‘-ish’.
(hairy as oposed to glabrous, downy with short soft hairs)
(ld, BL)
Lobelia setacea var. setacea (La)
Leafless Lobelia (Vo) Wiry Lobelia (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
saeta, seta, = a thick, stiff hair, a bristle; of the spiny leaves of coniferous trees;
(a bristle, bristle-like organ, as the fruit-stalk of a (sporophore) moss)
-aceus, = indicates resemblance.
(ld, BL)
Lobelia stenosiphon (G)

Location: (K)
stēnos, = narrow, straight;
siphon, = a reed, straw, any tube.
(tube, pipe)
(LS, BL)
Lobelia tomentosa (La)

Location: (K)
tomentum, = a stuffing for cushions (e.g. of wool, hair, feathers, straw, etc.)
(tomentose, matted woolly down on stems and leaves)
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(tomentose; thickly and evenly covered with short more or less appressed curled or curved matted hairs)
(ld, BL)
Lobelia valida (La)
Galjoenblom (PS)
Location: (K)
valeo, = to be strong, stout or vigorous, to have strength;
-idus, = indicates a state or action in progress (‘-ish’);
validus, = strong, stout, able, powerful, robust, vigorous.
(ld, BL)