Species within a genus
For David de Gorter (1717-1783).**
dif-¸dis-, = asunder, in pieces, apart, in two, in different directions;
fundo, fusus, = to spread, extend, diffuse; spread out, extended, broad, large, copious, diffuse.
diffusus, = spread abroad, spread out, extended, wide.
(diffuse, loosely irregular or widely spreading, with branches diverging from the axis at an angle of 45° to 90°)
Kalendae, calendae, = the Kalends, Calends, the first day of the Roman month, on which the order of days was proclaimed; from calo, to call, call out, proclaim, call together, summon, convoke; calendar, clock;
-ula, = diminutive;
-aceus, = indicates resemblance.
(little calendar, little clock or perhaps, little weather-glass)
(ld, BL, Ox)
fundo, fusus, = to spread, extend, diffuse; spread out, extended, broad, large, copious, diffuse.
diffusus, = spread abroad, spread out, extended, wide.
(diffuse, loosely irregular or widely spreading, with branches diverging from the axis at an angle of 45° to 90°)
Kalendae, calendae, = the Kalends, Calends, the first day of the Roman month, on which the order of days was proclaimed; from calo, to call, call out, proclaim, call together, summon, convoke; calendar, clock;
-ula, = diminutive;
-aceus, = indicates resemblance.
(little calendar, little clock or perhaps, little weather-glass)
(ld, BL, Ox)