pectino, = to comb, card, heckle;
pecten, pectinis, = an instrument for heckling flax or combing wool, a comb, card, heckle;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(pectinate; with narrow close-set divisions like a comb) (ld, BL)
Gazania rigens var. uniflora (La) Rankgousblom (Sw) Location: (F)
rrigeo, rigens, = to be stiff, stiffen.
(stiff, rigid, unbendable)
serra, = a saw;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
serratus,= saw shaped, serrated.
(serrate, i.e. saw-edged with sharp teeth pointing forwards, as opposed to ‘retroserratus’, with teeth pointing backward) (ld, BL)