Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
DISA (La, G)
Disa (Le)
dives, dis, = rich, sumptuous, costly, splendid, precious.
Dis, Dios, ΔΙΣ, = Zeus.
(Various derivations are proposed. The most likely is in commemoration of Disa**, a legendary Swedish Queen.)

(ld, LS, Le)
Disa atricapilla (La)

Location: (F, K)
ater, atra, = coal-black, lustreless-black, sable, dark;
(especially, dull black)
capillus, = the hair, the hair of the head; (while crinis is any hair).
(hair, hair’s width, 0.18mm)
atricapillus, = black-haired.
(with dark hairs – refers to the shiny black sepals)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa atrorubens (La)

Location: (F, K)
ater, atra, = coal-black, lustreless-black, sable, dark;
rubeo, rubrus, = to be red or ruddy.
rubens, = being red, red, reddish.
(an accurate description of the flower clour)
(ld, Co)
Disa bifida (La)

Location: (P)
bis, bi-, = twice, twofold, having two-;
findo, fidi, fissum = to cleave, split, part, separate, divide; a cleft, slit, fissure.
bifidus, bis-findo, = cleft or divided into two parts.
(divided; two-cleft to about halfway)
(ld, BL)
Disa bivalvata (La)

Location: (F, K)
bis, bi-, = twice, twofold, having two-;
valva, valvae, = the leaf of a door, a folding-door; the leaves, folds, or valves of a door;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(two valved)
(refers to the resemblance of the median sepal to the valves of a bivalve mollusc (mussels, clams etc.))
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa bodkinii

Location: (F, K)
For Prof. Alfred A. Bodkin (1847-1930),** a British-born plant collector in South Africa who worked with Harry Bolus and accompanied him on collecting trips. He was a distinguished mathematician and was from 1881 to 1902 Professor of Mathematics at Bishop's, Cape Town.
Disa bolusiana (La)

Location: (F, K)
After Harry Bolus F.L.S. (1834 - 1911),** English-born South African botanist, businessman, and founder of the Cape Town Bolus Herbarium, Fellow of the Linnean Society, and member and president of the South African Philosophical Society (later the Royal Society of South Africa). He bequeathed his library, his extensive herbarium and most of his fortune to the South African College for which he also founded a chair of botany;
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
(Ch, BL)
Disa brachyceras (G)

Location: (K)
brachys, = short, few, little;
ceras, = horn.
(with short spur)
(refers to the short spur)
(LS, BL, Co)
Disa bracteata (La)
Meadow Disa (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
bractea, brattea, = a thin plate of metal, gold-leaf; thin layers of wood, veneers;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
bracteatus, = covered with gold-plate, gilt; shining only externally, gilded, delusive.
(having bracts)
(refers to the conspicuous bracts which bear the flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa brevipetala (La, G)

Location: (K)
brevis, = short, little, of small extent; small, narrow; low; brief;
petalos, = spread out, unfolded, broad, flat.
petalon, = a leaf.
(in modern botany, petal)
(refers to the short petals)
(ld, LS, BL, Co)
Disa caulescens (La)

Location: (K)
caulis, = the stalk or stem of a plant;
-escens, = indicates process of becoming, hence not fully achieved resemblance.
(refers in this case to the leaves)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa cernua (La)

Location: (K)
cernuus, = with the face turned towards the earth, inclined forwards, stooping or bowing forwards.
(slightly drooping, nodding; said of a flower – inclining a little from the perpendicular, so that the apex is directed towards the horizon)
(possibly refers to the orientation of the lateral sepals)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa conferta (La)

Location: (F)
confercio, confertus, = to stuff or cram together, to press together; pressed together, pressed close, crowded, thick, dense.
(pressed close together, crowded, densely.)
(pressed close together – refers to the compact arrangement of flowers in the inflorescence)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa cornuta (La)
Horned Disa (Vo) Inkspot Disa (Wf) Golden Orchid (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
cornu, = a hard and generally crooked growth upon the head of many mammiferous animals;
-utus, = indicates possession.
cornutus, = horned.
(with horn-like process – probably refers to the spur)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa cylindrica (La)

Location: (F, K, P)
cylindrus, = a cylinder;
-icus, = indicates ‘belonging to’.
(cylindrical - refers to the inflorescence shape)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa densiflora (La)

Location: (F, K)
densus, = thick, dense; thickly set with, covered with, full of;
flos, floris, = a blossom, flower.
(with densely packed flowers – refers to the compact inflorescence)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa fasciata (La)
Adenandra Orchid (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
fascio, = to envelop with bands, to swathe;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(clustered, grouped together)
(clustered together – refers to the densely arranged flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa ferruginea (La)
Monnikskappie, Red Cluster Disa (PS) Cluster Disa (Wf)
Location: (F, K)
ferrum, = iron;
-ineus, = indicates material or colour or close resemblance.
ferrugineus, ferruginus, = of the colour of iron-rust, dark red, dusky, ferruginus.
(rusty, light brown with a little mixture of red)
(rusty, light brown with a little infusion of red – refers to the colour of the flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa filicornis (La)

Location: (F, P)
filum, fili-, = a thread;
cornu, = a hard and generally crooked growth upon the head of many mammiferous animals.
(possibly refers to the very slender lip)
(ld, Co)
Disa forficaria (La)

Location: (F, K)
forfex, = a pair of shears or scissors;
-icus, = indicates 'belonging to';
-arius, = indicates connection or possession.
(refers to the curious petal structre of this species)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa glandulosa (La)

Location: (F, K)
glans, = any acorn-shaped fruit;
(gland (secretary organ), swelling or appendage resembling a gland in appearance, nut (one-seeded dry indehiscent fruit with hard pericarp) borne in a cupule as an acorn))
-ulus, = diminutive;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
glandulosus, = full of kernels, glandulous.
(refers to glandular hairs covering the leaves)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa graminifolia (La)
Blue Disa (Vo)
Location: (F, K, P)
gramen, graminis, = grass;
folium,= a leaf.
(grass-like leaves – refers to the slender leaves)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa hallackii

Location: (F, K)
For Russell Hallack (1824-1903),** British businessman born in Cambridge, amateur botanist and plant collector who settled in South Africa in 1843 and botanized around Port Elizabeth and who sent collections to Peter McOwan and William Henry Harvey.
Disa harveiana var. harveiana (La)
Lilac Disa (PS)
Location: (K)
For William Henry Harvey (1811-1866),**renowned Irish-born botanist, algologist and pioneer of South African systematic botany, Colonial Treasurer-General of the Cape Colony, Keeper of the herbarium at Trinity College, Dublin, professor of botany to the Royal Dublin Society and at Trinity College, Dublin, Fellow of the Linnean and Royal Societies;
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
(Ch, BL)
Disa hians (La)

Location: (K)
hio, = to open, stand or be open, to gape.
hians, = gaping, open mouthed.
(refers to the wide-mouthed entrance of the hooded median sepal)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa inflexa (La)

Location: (F)
in-, = in, into, for, contrary;
flexus, = a bending, turning, winding.
inflexus, = a bending, curving, inflexing.
(bent inwards)
(probably refers to the lip, which is bent at a 90° angle)
(BL, ld, Co)
Disa lineata (La)

Location: (F, K)
linea, linia, = a linen thread, a string, line;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(refers to the striped configuration of the veins in the median sepal)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa lutea [Now D. tenuifolia] (La)

Location: (F, K)
lutlutum, = a plant used in dyeing yellow, yellow-weed, dyer’s weed, weld; a yellow colour, yellow;
-eus, = indicates material or colour or resemblance in quality.
luteus, = golden-yellow, saffron-yellow, orange-yellow.
(ld, BL)
Disa micropetala (G)

Location: (K)
mikros, = little, small; petty, mean, trivial insignificant;
petalos, = spread out, unfolded, broad, flat.
petalon, = a leaf.
(in modern botany, petal)
(refers to the minute flowers)
(LS, BL, Co)
Disa neglecta (La)

Location: (K)
neglego, neglectum, = to not heed, not trouble oneself about, not attend to, to slight, neglect, be regardless of, indifferent to.
neglectus, = neglected, slighted, disregarded, despised.
(a neglected plant – considering that it was quite common; it was overlooked and only named comparatively recently)
(neglected, poorly known, overlooked)
(ld, BL, LB, Co)
Disa obliqua subsp. clavigera (La)
Kapotjie (Vo)
Location: (F, K, P)
obliquus, oblicus, = sidelong, slanting, awry, oblique.
(when the degree of inequality of the two sides is slight; and when the margin points to the heavens, the apex to the horizon)
(possibly refers to the sharp bend in the lip tooth)

clava, = a knotty branch or stick, a staff, cudgel, club;
gero, = to bear about with one, to bear, carry, to wear, have.
claviger, = club-bearing.
(alluding to the tendency of this sub-species to possess a clavate spur = club-shaped, thickened at one end)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa obliqua subsp. obliqua (La)
Kapotjie (Vo)
Location: (K)
obliquus, oblicus, = sidelong, slanting, awry, oblique.
(when the degree of inequality of the two sides is slight; and when the margin points to the heavens, the apex to the horizon)
(possibly refers to the sharp bend in the lip tooth)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa obtusa subsp. hottentotica (La)

Location: (F, K)
obtundo, obtudi, obtusus, = to blunt, weaken, make dull, deprive of strength; blunted, blunt, dull, weak, faint, powerless;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(blunt, obtuse, rounded)
(probably refers to the rounded structure of the spur or sepals)

hottentot, = the Hottentots Holland Mountains;
-icus, = indicates ‘belonging to’.
(refers to the distribution of this species which is along the Hottentots Holland Mountains)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa obtusa var obtusa (La)

Location: (K)
obtundo, obtudi, obtusus, = to blunt, weaken, make dull, deprive of strength; blunted, blunt, dull, weak, faint, powerless.
(blunt, obtuse, rounded)
(probably refers to the rounded structure of the spur or sepals)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa ophrydea (G)

Location: (F, K)
ops (ώψ), = the eye, face, countenance;
ophrys, = eyebrow;
-eus, = indicates 'possessed by' or belonging to.
(like the Mediteranean orchid genus, Ophrys)
(LS, Ox, BL, Co)
Disa pillansii

Location: (F, K)
For Mr. Neville Stuart Pillans (1884-1964).**
Disa purpurascens (La)
Blue Disa, Blou moederkappie (Vo)
Location: (F, K, P)
purpura, = purple colour, purple;
-ascens, = indicates process of becoming, hence not fully achieved resemblance, often expressed by the termination ‘-ish’.
purpurasco, = to grow purple, become a purple colour.
(purplish not full purple – refers to the colour of the flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa pygmaea (G)

Location: (F, K)
pygmaios, = about a foot long or tall; the Pigmies, a fabulous race of dwarfs on the upper Nile, said to have been attacked and destroyed by Cranes.
(pygmy, dwarf)
(refers to the diminutive stature of the plant)
(LS, BL, Co)
Disa racemosa (La)

Location: (F, K)
racemus, = the stalk of a cluster of grapes and similar plants;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
racemosus, = full of clusters, clustering.
(racemosus = full of clusters; but in botanical terminology used for a simple spike-like inflorescence (raceme, thus racemose) – refers to the inflorescence structure)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa reticulata (La)

Location: (F, K)
rete, = a net, snare;
-ulus, = diminutive;
reticulum, = a little net, a cloth made like a net, a network-bag for carrying or keepinganything in;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(refers to the bract’s net-like venation, which is conspicuous in dry specimens)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa richardiana (La)

Location: (K)
For Louis-Claude Marie Richard (1754 – 1821), the author of the genus Liparis, or his son Achille Richard (1794 – 1852);**
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
(Co, BL)
Disa rufescens (La)

Location: (F, K)
rufus, = red, reddish;
-escens, = indicates process of becoming, hence not fully achieved resemblance, often expressed by the termination '-ish'.
(becoming, thus almost red - refers to the colour of the median sepal)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa sabulosa (La)

Location: (K)
sabulo, = coarse sand, gravel;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
sabulosus, = full of sand, sandy, gravelly.
(sandy, growing in sandy places)
(growing in sandy places)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa tenuicornis (La)

Location: (K)
tenuis, thin, slight, slender, slim, meagre, lean; simple, plain, unadorned;
(thin, fine, slender)
cornu, = a hard and generally crooked growth upon the head of many mammiferous animals.
(refers to the narrow spurs)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa tenuifolia (La)

Location: (F, K, P)
tenuis, = thin, slight, slender, slim, meagre, lean; simple, plain, unadorned;
(thin, fine, slender)
folium, = a leaf.
(possibly refers to the slender leaves in this species)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa tenuis (La)

Location: (K)
tenuis, = thin, slight, slender, slim, meagre, lean; simple, plain, unadorned.
(thin, fine, slender)
(refers to the slender ‘grass-like’ leaves)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa tripetaloides (G)
Streamside Disa (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
tri-, = three times, thrice;
petalos, = spreadout, unfolded, broad, flat;
petalon, = a leaf;
(in modern botany, petal)
-oides, = indicates resemblance.
(refers to its appearing to have three petals)
(LS, BL, Co)
Disa uncinata (La)

Location: (F, K, P)
uncinus, = a hook, barb;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
uncinatus, = furnished with hooks or tenters, barbed.
(hooked, barbed – refers to the spur, which is curved and swollen at the tip)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa uniflora (La)
Bakkiesblom, Red Disa, Bakkiesblom, Watervalbolm (PS)
Location: (F, K)
unus, = one, alone, only, sole, single;
flos, floris, = a blossom, flower.
(refers to the type plant, which posses only one flower)
(ld, BL, Co)
Disa vaginata (La)

Location: (F, K)
vagina, = a scabbard, sheath; the covering, sheath, holder of any thing; the sheath of an ear of grain, the hull, husk;
(in botany occasionally the petiole embraces the branch from which it springs, and in such cases is said to be sheathing; and is even called a sheath or vagina as in grasses)
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(probably refers to the constricted entrance of the hooded median sepal)
(ld, Ox, BL, Co)
Disa venusta (La)

Location: (F)
venus, = qualities that excite love, loveliness, attractiveness, beauty, grace, elegance, charms;
-a, -eus, = indicates material or colour or resemblance in quality.
venustus, = lovely, comely, pleasing, winning, agreeable, graceful, beautiful, elegant.
(beautiful and graceful)
(charming, lovely, beautiful and graceful – refers to the flowers)
(ld, BL, Co)