Genera within a family

Family: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Potato Family (Wf)
sol, = the sun;
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.

solanum, = a plant called also strychnos, nightshade; (that deadly plant is a member of this genus)

Perhaps from solamen, soothing narcotic properties of some species.
(ld, BL, M, Le)
DATURA (Ar, Hi, Skr)
Introduced Weed, Stinkblaar (Le)
tatorah, = Arabic name for a local species in the genus.
dhatūrā, = thorn apple.
dhattūrāh, = thorn apple.
(Le, Cl)
Honey Thorn (Le)
lykion, = name of a thorny shrub from Lycia in Asia Minor.
Lykion, = the Lyceum, a gymnasium with covered walks in the Eastern suburbs of Athens, named after the neighbouring temple of Apollo Lyceios (wolf slayer, or the god of day).
lukos, = a wolf.
Lyce, = light, the god of day.
(Le, LS)
Nightshade (Le)
sol, = the sun;
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
solanum, = a plant called also strychnos, nightshade.
(that deadly plant is a member of this genus).
Perhaps from solamen, soothing narcotic properties of some species.
(ld, BL, M, Le)
Groundcherries (Int)
physalis, = a bladder, bubble.
(inflated calex)
(LS, Le)