Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Coarse Tassel Fern, Common Tassel Fern(I21)
phlegein, = to burn;
phlegma, = inflammation.
phlegma, = a clammy humour of the body; phlegm;
oura, = of the tail;
-urus, = -tailed, i.e. with an elongated or tail-like appendage.
(a reference to the fertile part of these plants that are in the form of a long tail)
(LS, ld, BL, I21)
Phlegmariurus gnidioides (La)
Green Snakes (Vo) Hard Clubmoss, Harde Wolfsklou (Ro)
Location: (F)
gnidia, = the genus Gnidia (q.v.);
ōidēs, = like, resembling, having the form or nature of.
(refers to the imbricate, GNIDIA like, leaves)
(BL, Ro)