Species within a genus
cape, = Cape of Good Hope;
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(pertaining to the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Peninsula)
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(pertaining to the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Peninsula)
Blechnum punctulatum var. punctulatum (La)
Glossy hard-fern, Blinkblaar bosvaring (Ro) Glossy Deer Fern (PS)
Location: (F, K)
Glossy hard-fern, Blinkblaar bosvaring (Ro) Glossy Deer Fern (PS)
Location: (F, K)
pungo, = to prick, puncture; to sting; vex, grieve, trouble, disturb, afflict, mortify, annoy;
punctus, punctum, = pricked in, like a point; that which is pricked or pricked in, a point, small hole, puncture; small spot;
(point, position, dot, small spot)
-ulus, = diminutive;
punctulum, = a slight prick; a small point;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(minutely dotted)
(ld, BL)
punctus, punctum, = pricked in, like a point; that which is pricked or pricked in, a point, small hole, puncture; small spot;
(point, position, dot, small spot)
-ulus, = diminutive;
punctulum, = a slight prick; a small point;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(minutely dotted)
(ld, BL)