Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Watsonia, Kanolpypie (Le)
Named by Philip Miller for his friend Sir William Watson (1715 - 1787).**
Watsonia angusta (La)
Patryskos, Rooikanolpypie (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
angustus, = narrow, strait, close, contracted, small, not spacious.
(ld, BL)
Watsonia borbonica subsp. borbonica (La)
Purple Watsonia (Wf) Suurkanol, Kanolpypie (Sw)
Location: (F, K, P)
borbonia, = of or from Reunion Island;
-icus, = indicates ‘belonging to’.
(the plant was mistakenly thought to originate from Reunion (Ille de Bourbon)
(BL, K3)
Watsonia coccinea (La)
Rooipypie (PS)
Location: (K)
coccinus, = scarlet-coloured;
-ineus, = indicates material or colour or close resemblance.
(ld, BL)
Watsonia distans (La)

Location: (K)
dif-¸dis-, = asunder, in pieces, apart, in two, in different directions;
sto, = to stand still, stand upright.
(ld, BL)
Watsonia fourcadei
Mountain Watsonia (Wf) Suurkanol (PS)
Location: (F)
For Henri Georges Fourcade (1865-1948).**
Watsonia humilis (La)
Rooipypie, Waspypie (PS)
Location: (K)
humus, humi, = the earth, the ground, the soil; on the ground;
-ilis, = indicates capacity or ability. Hence a property or quality.
humilis, = on the ground, i.e. low, lowly, small, slight.
(ld, BL)
Watsonia laccata (Skr, La)

Location: (F)
lac, = milk; milky juice, milk of plants;
lacca, = an unknown plant;
lak, = crimson;
(the juice of the fruit is crimson red)
(laksha, = lacca, gum-lac, is the dark-red resinous incrustation produced on certain trees by the puncture of an insect insect (Caccus lacca); used in the East as a scarlet dye)
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(looking as if varnished)
(ld, Ox, Le, BL)
Watsonia marginata (La)
Kanolpypie, Rooipypie (PS)
Location: (K)
margo, marginis, = an edge, brink, border, margin;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(ld, BL)
Watsonia meriana var. meriana
Wax-flowered Watsonia (Wf) Kanolpypie, Lakpypie (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
For Maria Sibylla Merian (1647 – 1717);**
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
(Ch, BL)
Watsonia paucifolia (La)

Location: (K, P)
paucus, pauci, = few, a few, little;
folium, = a leaf.
(ld, BL)
Watsonia rogersii
Shale Band Watsonia (Vo)
Location: (F)
For (1) Rev. Frederick Arundel Rogers (1876-1944), or (2) Rev. William Moyle Rogers (1835-1920).**
Watsonia schlechteri
Solitary Watsonia (Vo) Summer Scarlet Watsonia (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
For Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlechter (1872-1925).**
Watsonia spectabilis (La)

Location: (K)
specto, = to look at, behold; to gaze at, watch, observe;
-abilis, -bilis, = indicates capacity or ability.
spectabilis, = that may be seen, visible; that is worth seeing, notable, admirable, remarkable.
(worth seeing, notable, admirable, remarkable)
Watsonia stenosiphon (G)
Kanolpypie (Sw) Small Orange Watsonia (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
stēnos, = narrow, straight;
siphon, = a reed, straw, any tube.
(tube, pipe)

(LS, BL)
Watsonia zeyheri

Location: (F, K)
For Carl Ludwig Philipp Zeyher (1799-1858).**