Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Brakes (Le)
pteron, = a feather, wings;
-is, = indicates a close connection.
pteris, = fern.
(LS, BL, Ro)
Pteris dentata (La)
Pungent Brake, Toothed Brake, Saagtand Pteris (Ro)
Location: (F)
dens, dentis, = a tooth;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
dentatus, = having teeth; toothed, dentated, spiked, pointed.
(toothed; usually with sharp teeth pointing outwards)
(ld, BL)
Pteris tremula (La)
Shaking Brake (PS)
Location: (P)
tremo, = to shake, quake, quiver, tremble;
-ulus, = diminutive.
tremulus, = shaking, quaking, quivering, trembling, tremulous.
(Alien and naturalised)

(ld, BL, Cw)