Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
OLEA (G, La)
Olive (Le)
elaia, = the olive tree.
olea, = an olive.

Olea capensis subsp. capensis (La)
Basterswartysterhout, Olive, Small Ironwood, Ysterhout (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
cape, = Cape of Good Hope;
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(pertaining to the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Peninsula)
Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa (La, G)
Ironwood (PS)
Location: (F)
cape, = Cape of Good Hope;
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(pertaining to the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Peninsula)

makros, = far stretching; tall, lofty, much;
carpos, = fruit.
(with large fruit)
(LS, BL)
Olea europaea subsp. africana (La)
African Olive, Ironwood, Umnquma, Wild Olive, Wildeolyf (PS)
Location: (K)
europaea, europeus, = Europe.

Africa, = Africa;
-anus, = belonging to, connected with, pertaining to, used to form adjectives from nouns, particularly from geographical and personal names.
africanus, = pertaining to Africa, African.
(from Africa)
(BL, ld)
Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Now O. europaea) (La)

Location: (P)
europaea, europeus, = Europe.

cuspis, = a point, the pointed end of any thing;
-idus, = indicates a state or action in progress (‘-ish’);
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(cuspate; a pointed end of any organ, especially a sharp rigid point of a leaf)
(BL, ld, Ox)
Olea exasperata (La)
Dune Olive, Glashoutolien, Slanghout (PS)
Location: (F, K)
ex-, = to bring into a certain state;
aspero, = to make rough, uneven;
exaspero, = to make rough, to roughen;
(rough to the touch because of prickles, uneven, harsh, rugged)
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(roughened; covered with short hard points)
(Ox, ld, BL)