Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Mountain Pea (Le) Widowphlox (Wf)
lipos, = grease, fat, lard, oil;
-arius, = indicates connection or possession.
liparos, = oily, shining.
(LS, BL, Le)
Liparia angustifolia (La)

Location: (F, K)
angustus, = narrow, strait, close, contracted, small, not spacious;
folium, = a leaf.

(ld, BL)
Liparia boucheri

Location: (K)
For Charles Boucher (1944- ).**
Liparia calycina (G)
Fleeting Silver Pea (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
calyx, = the cup or calyx of a flower, a flower bud;
(covering of a flower or fruit)
-inus, = indicates material or colour, resemblance or possession.
(belonging to the calyx, with a well developed calyx)
(LS, BL)
Liparia hirsuta (La)
Common Hard-leaved Pea, Gewone Hardeblaar-ertjie (PS)
Location: (F)
hirtus, hirsus, = rough, hairy, shaggy;
-utus, = indicates possession.
hirsutus, = rough, shaggy, bristly, prickly, hirsute.
(hirsute, covered with fairly coarse and stiff long erect or ascending straight hairs)
(ld, BL)
Liparia myrtifolia (G, La)

Location: (K)
myrtos, = the myrtle;
folium, = a leaf.

(LS, ld)
Liparia rafnioides
Kogelberg Hard-leaved Pea, Kogelberg Hardeblaar-ertjie (PS)
Location: (K)
For Carl Gottlob Rafn (1769-1808).**
-oides, = like, resembling, having the form or nature of.
(Ch, BL)
Liparia splendens subsp. comantha (La, G)
Orange Nodding-head (Vo) Mountain Dahlia (Wf)
Location: (F, K)
splendeo, splendens, = to shine, be bright; to gleam, glitter; brilliant.
(shining, gleaming, brilliant)

come, = the hair; the foliage, leaves of trees;
coma, = the hair of the head;
anthos, = a flower, the bloom of a flower.
(tuft of hair)
(ld, BL, LS)
Liparia umbellifera (La)
Rare Pea (Vo)
Location: (F)
umbra, = a shade, shadow; the dark part of a painting, shade, shadow;
-ellus, diminutive;
umbella, = (metonymically, a little shadow), a sunshade, parasol, umbrella;
fero, ferre, = to bear, carry, bring.
(bearing umbels of flowers)
(ld, BL)
Liparia vestita (La)
Silver Pea (Vo)
Location: (F, K, P)
vestitus, = clothing, clothes, dress, apparel, raiment, attire, vesture.
(ld, BL)