Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Brandblaar, Katjiedrieblaar (Le)
For Thomas Knowlton (1691-1781).**
Knowltonia [now anemone] capensis (La)

Location: (K)
cape, = Cape of Good Hope;
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(pertaining to the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Peninsula)
Knowltonia [now anemone] cordata
Kaatjiedrieblaar ()
Location: (F)
Now Anemone cordata.
Knowltonia [now anemone] tenuifolia
Cape Anemone (Wf) Syblom, Veldanemoon (PS)
Location: (F)
Now Anemone tenuifolia.
Knowltonia [now anemone] vesicatoria subsp. vesicatoria
Brandblaar, Tandpynblare (PS)
Location: (F, K)
Moved:to Anemone vesicatoria.