Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Ink Flower, Inkblom (Le)
For William Henry Harvey (1811-1866).**
Harveya bolusii
Rooi-inkblom (PS)
Location: (K)
1) Harry Bolus (1834-1911) or
(2) Hermann Harry Bolus (1862-1930), son of Harry Bolus.
Most taxa honor Bolus Sr.
Harveya capensis (La)
Rooi-inkblom, Witinkblom (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
cape, = Cape of Good Hope;
-ensis, = indicates country or place of growth, or origin or else habitat.
(pertaining to the Cape of Good Hope; Cape Peninsula)
Harveya coccinea [Now H. pauciflora] (La)
Jakaranda-Inkblom (PS)
Location: (K)
coccinus, = scarlet-coloured;
-ineus, = indicates material or colour or close resemblance.
(ld, BL)
Harveya pauciflora (La)
Jakaranda-Inkblom (PS)
Location: (K, P)
paucus, pauci, = few, a few, little;
flos, floris, = a blossom, flower.
(ld, BL)
Harveya purpurea subsp. purpurea (G, La)
Persinkblom, Rooi-inkblom (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
purpureus, = purple-coloured, purple;
-eus, = indicates material or colour or resemblance in quality.
(purple ‘dull red with a slight dash of blue’)
(LS, ld, BL)
Harveya squamosa (La)
Orange Inkflower (Wf) Jakkalskosinkblom (PS)
Location: (F, P)
squama, = scale (of a fish, serpent);
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
squamosus, squamossus, = full of or covered with scales, scaly, squamous.
(covered with small scales, like leaves)
(ld, BL)
Harveya tubulosa [Now H. pauciflora] (La)
Jakaranda-Inkblom (PS) Purple Inkflower (Wf)
Location: (F)
tubus, = a pipe, tube;
-ulus, = diminutive;
tubulus, = a small pipe or tube;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(with many small tubes)
(ld, BL)