Species within a genus

Genus: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Wine Cup (Wf) Satin Flower, Sysie (Le)
geisson, = anything projecting so as to shelter, the eaves of a roof, the cornice, coping; the hem of a garment;
rhiza, = a root.
(regular overlapping of the corm tunics in some species)
(LS, Le)
Geissorhiza aspera (La)
Blue Satinflowe (Wf) Blousysie (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
asper, = as affecting the sense of touch: rough, uneven;
-um, = means ‘characteristic of’.
asperum, = an uneven, rough place.
(rough to the touch because of prickles, uneven, harsh, rugged)
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza bolusii

Location: (K)
1) Harry Bolus (1834-1911) or
(2) Hermann Harry Bolus (1862-1930), son of Harry Bolus.
Most taxa honor Bolus Sr.
Geissorhiza bryicola (G)
Syblom (Vo)
Location: (F)
bryo, = to be full of anything, swell or teem with, (to cause to burst forth).
bruon, = moss;
bryo-, = relating to mosses;
-cola, = dweller (used only in compound words, as in agricola, = countryman).
(found amongst moss on damp cliffs)
(LS, Ox, BL, LB)
Geissorhiza burchellii

Location: (F)
For William John Burchell (1781-1863).**
Geissorhiza cataractarum (La)
Syblom (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
cataracta, = a waterfall;
-arum, = of.
(growing under waterfalls)
(ld, BL, LB)
Geissorhiza hesperanthoides (G)
Syblom (Vo)
Location: (F, K)
Hesperus, = the spirit of the evening star, said to be the son or brother of Atlas;
anthos, = a flower, the bloom of a flower;
-oides, = like, resembling, having the form or nature of Hesperantha (q.v.).
(Pg, BL, LS)
Geissorhiza hispidula (La)
Syblom (Vo)
Location: (F, P)
hispido, = to make bristly, prickly;
-idus, = indicates a state or action in progress (‘-ish’);
hispidus, = rough, shaggy, hairy, bristly, prickly;
(hispid, covered with coarse rigid erect hairs or bristles harsh to the touch)
-ulus, diminutive.
(with short bristly hairs)
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza imbricata subsp. imbricata (La)

Location: (F, K)
imber, = rain, shower of rain;
imbrex, = a hollow tile, gutter tile, pantile (used in roofs for the purpose of leading off the rain);
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
imbricatim, = in the form of a gutter-tile.
(when parts lie over each other in regular order, like tiles upon the roof of a house)
(referring to the bracts and sepals)
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza inflexa (La)
White Satinflower (Wf) Witsyblom (PS)
Location: (F, K, P)
in-, = in, into, for, contrary;
flexus, = a bending, turning, winding;
inflexus, = a bending, curving, inflexing.
(bent inwards)
(BL, ld)
Geissorhiza juncea (La)

Location: (K, P)
jungo, = to join or unite together, connect, attach, fasten, yoke, harness;
juncus, = a twig resembling a rush;
-eus, =indicates material or colour resemblance in quality.
junceus, = made of rushes, rush-; like a rush.
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza lithicola (G)

Location: (K)
lithos, = a stone;
-cola, = dweller (used only in compound words, as in agricola, = countryman).
(LS, BL)
Geissorhiza nana (La)

Location: (F, P)
nanus, = a dwarf.

(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza nubigena (La)

Location: (K)
nubes, nubis, = a cloud, a dark spot; for something unreal or unsubstantial, a phantom;
geno, gigno, = to beget, bear, bring forth, produce; to beget, bear, bring forth, produce.
nubigena, = cloud-born, born of clouds or a cloud.
(The Centaurs, whom Ixion begot of a cloud, (see Ixios**))
Geissorhiza ornithogaloides subsp, ornithogaloides (G)

Location: (K)
ornis, = a bird;
ornith-,= pertaining to birds, bird-like;
gala, = milk;
(pigeon’s milk - high fat, milk-like secretions produced in pigeons’ crops for feeding young. “Bird’s milk” was colloquial in Ancient Greek for something beautiful)
-oides, = like, resembling, having the form or nature of.
(LS, BL, Le)
Geissorhiza ovata (La)
Pink Satin (Sw) Porcelain Satinflower (Wf)
Location: (F, K, P)
ovo, ovatus, = to exult, rejoice; a shouting, rejoicing;
ovum, ovatus, = an egg; egg-shaped; having ovate spots;
-atus, = indicates possession or likeness.
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza parva (La)
Syblom (Vo)
Location: (F)
parvus, = little, small, petty, puny, inconsiderable.
minor, = less, lesser, smaller, inferior.
minimus, =, very small, very little; least, smallest.
(little, small, puny)
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza ramosa (La)

Location: (F, K)
ramus, = a branch, bough, twig;
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
ramosus, = full of boughs, having many branches, braching, branchy.
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza schinzii
Schinz's Satinflower (Wf)
Location: (F)
For Hans Schinz (1858-1941).**
Geissorhiza similis (La)

Location: (F)
similis, = like, resembling, similar.
Geissorhiza tenella (La)

Location: (F, P)
tenuis, = thin, slight, slender, slim, meagre, lean; simple, plain, unadorned;
(thin, fine, slender)
-ella, = diminutive.
tenellus, = somewhat tender or delicate.
(ld, BL)
Geissorhiza umbrosa (La)

Location: (K)
umbra, = a shade, shadow; the dark part of a painting, shade, shadow;
(shade, shadow)
-osus, = indicates abundance or full or marked development.
(ld, BL)