Giuseppi Raddi (1770-1829), Italian botanist who explored the basins of the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers in Brazil and studied the cryptogams there, commemorated with Adiantum raddianum. (Flora of Zimbabwe)
Carl Gottlob Rafn (1769-1808), Danish botanist, school teacher and author or co-author of publications including Flora of Denmarks and Holstein, and other influential papers on a broad array of basic and applied sciences such as plant physiology, animal hibernation, life saving measures for drowning persons. He became a member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and letters in 1798. The genus Rafnia in the Fabaceae was published in 1794 by Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thunberg. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, Wikipedia)
François Vincent Raspail (1794-1878), French botanist, politician, chemist, and naturalist. He was one of the originators of cell theory in biology and an early proponent of the use of the microscope for the study of plants. The genus Raspalia in the Bruniaceae was published in 1826 by French botanist Adolphe Théodore Brongniart. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
Anton Rehmann (Rehman) (1840-1917), Polish botanist, geomorphologist, geographer and explorer who visited South Africa. He received his Ph.D. in botany from Jagiellonian University in 1864. He explored areas in what is present-day Ukraine and Moldova in 1865 and three years later travelled through southern Russia, becoming a professor of Plant Anatomy at the University of Krakow in 1869. From 1875-1877 and again 1879-1880 collecting over 9,000 specimens. In 1882 he became a professor at Lviv University and later was appointed first Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and then in 1888-89 the Rector. In 1888-1889 he served as President of the Natural Science Nicholas Copernicus Society. He was the author of Travel sketches from southern Africa (1881), Echoes from southern Africa (1884), and The Tatras from a physical and geographical perspective (1895). JSTOR adds that "When writing in Polish he spelt his name Rehman, as opposed to the German spelling with two 'n's." The moss genus Rehmaniella in the Funariaceae was published in 1881 by German bryologist Johann Karl August Müller. Anton Rehmann was a major plant collector whose name is commemorated on at least 60 taxa including species in Gladiolus, Plectranthus, Stachys, Hemizygia, Aeollanthus, Melhania, Sebaea, Coccinea, Pelargonium, Nerine, Abutilon, Pavonia, Senecio, Polygala, Zantedeschia, Barleria, Selago, Indigofera, Hebenstretia and many others both current and former. The genus Rehmannia however was not named for him. (Elsa Pooley; Gunn & Codd; Harvard University Herbaria; Flora of Zimbabwe; Encyclopedia of Life; JSTOR; Trees and Shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park; Wikipedia)
nders Johan Retzius (1742-1821), Swedish botanist, lichenologist and bryologist, entomologist and professor of natural history at the University of Lund. In addition to these disciplines, he also did work on chemistry, zoology, minerology and paleontology. Hugh Clarke adds: "He described many new species of insects and did fundamental work on their classification. Was elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 1782." The genus Retzia in the Retziaceae was published in 1776 by Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thunberg. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
One or more of the members of the Riccardi family, Ottavio Riccardi, Francesco Riccardi (1648-1718),Cassandra Capponi Riccardi, Cosimo Riccardi (1671-1751) and Vincenzio Riccardi (1704-1752), all of whom are mentioned in Pier (Pietro) Antonio Micheli's Nova Plantarum Genera as having supported the work. Samuel Frederick Gray published the name Riccardia. He didn't explain the names of his new genera but many of them matched the names of people referred to in the Nova Plantarum.
Louis-Claude Marie Richard (1754 – 1821), the author of the genus Liparis, or his son Achille Richard (1794 – 1852).
Richardia: the history of the name Richardia is a long and complex one deserving of an essay-length entry by someone more knowledgeable than myself. But to reduce it to what I think are its most fundamental elements, Richardia was a name originally given by Linneaus in 1753 to plants in the Rubiaceae and intended to honor British botanist and physician Richard Richardson (1663-1741), collector of mosses and lichens, and botanical and historical books. He had a marvelous garden, considered one of the best in England, which even included one of the first hothouses in England. In 1818, Karl Sigismund Kunth announced that the rubiaceous plants should be called Richardsonia and he proposed the name Richardia for a plant in the Araceae in honor of Louis Claude Marie Richard (1754-1821), French botanist and author who originated some of the special descriptive terminology for orchids. This was the way things stood for quite a while until more recently when the araceous genus Richardia became Zantedeschia, and the name Richardia was restored to certain of the rubiaceous plants. Richardia was also a name published by John Lindley in 1847 for a plant in the Asteraceae, but that name appears now to have disappeared, and I don't know who Lindley named it for or what happened to it. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
richardiana: probably for Achille Richard (1794-1852), who collected in Ethiopia and Madagascar. He was one of the leading botanists of his day and wrote the first flora of Tropical East Africa, the Tentamen Florae Abyssinicae, printed in 1845 and 1851, and studied and described several genera of orchids. Taxa in southern Africa with this specific epithet include Disa richardiana and the former Cheiridopsis richardiana (now synonymized to Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii). (Hugh Clarke, pers. comm.)
(Co, Ch)
Richardia: the history of the name Richardia is a long and complex one deserving of an essay-length entry by someone more knowledgeable than myself. But to reduce it to what I think are its most fundamental elements, Richardia was a name originally given by Linneaus in 1753 to plants in the Rubiaceae and intended to honor British botanist and physician Richard Richardson (1663-1741), collector of mosses and lichens, and botanical and historical books. He had a marvelous garden, considered one of the best in England, which even included one of the first hothouses in England. In 1818, Karl Sigismund Kunth announced that the rubiaceous plants should be called Richardsonia and he proposed the name Richardia for a plant in the Araceae in honor of Louis Claude Marie Richard (1754-1821), French botanist and author who originated some of the special descriptive terminology for orchids. This was the way things stood for quite a while until more recently when the araceous genus Richardia became Zantedeschia, and the name Richardia was restored to certain of the rubiaceous plants. Richardia was also a name published by John Lindley in 1847 for a plant in the Asteraceae, but that name appears now to have disappeared, and I don't know who Lindley named it for or what happened to it. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
richardiana: probably for Achille Richard (1794-1852), who collected in Ethiopia and Madagascar. He was one of the leading botanists of his day and wrote the first flora of Tropical East Africa, the Tentamen Florae Abyssinicae, printed in 1845 and 1851, and studied and described several genera of orchids. Taxa in southern Africa with this specific epithet include Disa richardiana and the former Cheiridopsis richardiana (now synonymized to Ihlenfeldtia vanzylii). (Hugh Clarke, pers. comm.)
(Co, Ch)
Dr. Norman Keith Bonner Robson (1928- ), English botanist from the British Natural History Museum, London, who made important botanical expeditions to Morocco , Zambia , and Malawi. The genus Robsonodendron in the Celastraceae was published in 1997 by Robert H. Archer. (Trees and Shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park; Sappi What's In A Name: The Meanings of the Botanical Names of Trees.
Wilhelm Roell, 18th century professor of anatomy in Amsterdam and horticulturist. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
Johannes August Christian Roeper (1801-1885), German botanist, plant collector and professor of botany at Rostock. He was a botanical colleague of Schimper, the original author of the species Hypericum roeperianum. He was responsible for accumulating the core collection of the Botanischer Garten Universität Rostock based on collections of Heinrich Gustav Flörke, Adelbert von Chamisso and Ferdinand von Mueller. The genus Roepera in the Zygophyllaceae was published in 1825 by French botanist Adrien Henri Laurent de Jussieu, son of Antoine Laurent de Jussieu. (Flora of Zimbabwe; Tree and Shrubs of Mpumalanga and Kruger National Park)
(1) Rev. (then Archdeacon) Frederick Arundel Rogers (1876-1944), British-born South African botanist and missionary, prolific collector of plants in South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, the Belgian Congo and Rhodesia, author of A Provisional List of Flowering Plants and Ferns of Albany and Bathurst, commemorated with species in genera Crassula, Delosperma, Orbea, Anisotes, Sterculia, Scilla, Sesbania, Tragia, Thesium, Rhus, Grewia, Eragrostis, Watsonia, Cyphia, Hermbstaedtia, Solanum, Tieghemia, Metalasia, Felicia, Zygophyllum, Commelina, Albuca, Barleria, Dyschoriste and Argyrolobium, and many others that have now been synonymized. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names; Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names; Gunn & Codd; JSTOR);
(2) Rev. William Moyle Rogers (1835-1920), plant collector, British clergyman, appointed Vice-Principal of Bishop's College, Cape Town, commemorated with Gladiolus rogersii and Ornithogalum rogersii. (JSTOR)
(2) Rev. William Moyle Rogers (1835-1920), plant collector, British clergyman, appointed Vice-Principal of Bishop's College, Cape Town, commemorated with Gladiolus rogersii and Ornithogalum rogersii. (JSTOR)
The legendary Romulus, founder and first king of Rome. The genus Romulea in the Iridaceae was published in 1772 by Italian botanist Giovanni Francesco Maratti. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
Karl Friedrich Ludwig Felix von Rumohr (1785-1843), German art expert and writer, collector of antiquities and patron of botany. The genus Rumohra in the Davalliaceae was published in 1819 by Italian botanist Giuseppe Raddi. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
Karl Friedrich Ludwig Felix von Rumohr (1785-1843), German art expert and writer, collector of antiquities and patron of botany. The genus Rumohra in the Davalliaceae was published in 1819 by Italian botanist Giuseppe Raddi. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
Heinrich Bernard Ruppius (1688-1719), German botanist, author of Flora jenensis. The genus Ruppia in the Potamogetonaceae was published in 1754 by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)
Ernst Julius Rusch (1867–1957), a German-born Namibian farmer, businessman, plant collector and one of the founders of Windhoek. He came to South-West Africa as a volunteer soldier and established a farm where he grew and sold succulent plants and often hosted Moritz Kurt Dinter. The genus Ruschia in the Aizoaceae was published in 1926 by German botanist Martin Heinrich Gustav Schwantes. He is also commemorated with Conophytum ruschii (now Conophytum jucundum) and Avonia ruschii. Other species with these specific epithets that are probably but not certainly named for the father are Hoodia ruschii, Tromotriche ruschiana, Ruschia ruschiana, and the former taxa Piaranthus ruschii (now synonymized to P. cornutus), Urochloa ruschii (now U. panicoides), Caralluma ruschiana (now Tromotriche umdausensis) and Elytropappus ruschianus (now Seriphium plumosum). (Gunn & Codd; JSTOR; Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names; PlantzAfrica)or (2) his son, Ernst Franz Theodor Rusch (1897-1964) (Hoodia ruschii).